Total Medals Earned: 2,428 (From 452 different games.) Total Medal Score: 35,865 Points
Medals Earned: 1/62 (5/500 points)
collect a coin powerup
Defeat 1000 enemies
Obtain 10000 or more coins
Obtain 3000 or more coins
Amass a total score of 3000 or more
shoot 5000 bullets
Amass a total score of 5000 or more
Upgrade all skills at least once
Upgrade all skills at least three times
Play black hole mode
Survive till wave 10 in black hole mode
Survive till wave 20 in black hole mode
Survive till wave 5 in black hole mode
Upgrade bullet speed at least once
Upgrade bullet speed at least three times
use your powerup (by pressing q)
Finish all levels on easy or harder
Finish at least one level with every ship
Upgrade fire rate at least once
Upgrade fire rate at least three times
Upgrade flight speed at least once
Upgrade flight speed at least three times
Upgrade health at least once
Upgrade health at least three times
Finish level 1 on any difficulty
Finish level 10 on any difficulty
Finish level 2 on any difficulty
Finish level 3 on any difficulty
Finish level 4 on any difficulty
Finish level 5 on any difficulty
Finish level 6 on any difficulty
Finish level 7 on any difficulty
Finish level 8 on any difficulty
Finish level 9 on any difficulty
collect a life powerup
Play endless mode
Finish all levels on normal or harder
Get a 50%, or higher, hit ratio in any level
Change the primary colour of your ship
Go to the instructions screen
Play remix mode
Change the secondary colour of your ship
Change the ship model
use your super powerup (by pressing q when the green bar is full)
Survive till wave 10 in endless mode
Survive till wave 20 in endless mode
Survive till wave 5 in endless mode
Amass a total score of 10000 or more
Obtain 5000 or more coins
Upgrade bullet speed at least five times
Get a 99%, or higher, hit ratio in any level
Upgrade fire rate at least five times
Upgrade flight speed at least five times
Finish all levels on hard
Upgrade health at least five times
Get a 80%, or higher, hit ratio in any level
Upgrade all skills at least five times
Upgrade bullet speed at least ten times
Upgrade fire rate at least ten times
Upgrade flight speed at least ten times
Upgrade health at least ten times
Upgrade all skills at least ten times
Medals Earned: 4/5 (140/240 points)
fire your gun
thats scary
Kill Peter the Ant.
accidentally kill 25 civilians in one sitting
Medals Earned: 5/24 (30/400 points)
Start playing.
Survive 0:30.
Survive 1:00.
Roll the gacha!
Survive 1:30.
Survive 2:00.
Survive 1:00 without standing or jumping.
Die on the first hit...
Touch both sides of the screen in a single jump!
Amass 1000Rt all at once!
Jump off the table after hearing The Lick.
Yes The New Original Ant Player 'Petet' So Fun
Play on Peter the Ant day (Dec 26th)
Play as Plufmot on Peter the Ant day (Dec 26th)
Roll the gacha 10 times!!
Roll the gacha 20 times!!!
Roll the gacha 30 times!!!!!
Complete the gacha collection!!!!!!!!!!!
Roll the sink gacha...
Roll 25 sinks...
Roll 50 sinks......
Roll 75 sinks.........
Roll 100 sinks............
Medals Earned: 3/50 (20/500 points)
Destroy 100 asteroids.
Destroy 10 enemy drones.
Clear a stage without being hit once.
Destroy 1000 asteroids.
Destroy 10000 asteroids.
Destroy 100 enemy drones.
Destroy 1000 enemy drones.
Destroy 10 enemy ships.
Destroy 100 enemy ships.
Destroy 500 enemy ships.
Destroy a battleship without the Silver Wing.
Destroy a bumper ship.
Destroy a divider ship.
Defeat Varik Gorr.
Collect 1000 credits.
Collect 10000 credits.
Collect 50000 credits.
Destroy 10 asteroids or enemy ships by ramming them.
Destroy 100 asteroids or enemy ships by ramming them.
Destroy 250 asteroids or enemy ships by ramming them.
Beat the game in Rookie or Cadet Mode.
Beat the game in Cadet Mode.
Beat stage mode twice.
Beat the game in Ace Mode.
Buy all Weapon upgrades in the shop.
Buy all Reloader upgrades in the shop.
Buy all Armor upgrades in the shop.
Buy all Shield upgrades in the shop.
Buy all Recharger upgrades in the shop.
Buy all Ship Parts upgrades in the shop.
Buy all Items in the shop.
Buy all available upgrades in the shop.
Hatch the egg.
Level up Egg-kun.
Use the bomb for the first time.
Self-destruct your ship by using the bomb.
Clear a stage without shooting once.
Watch the credits until the end.
Watch the post-credit scene.
Unlock the Valkyrie Type MA.
Unlock the Silver Wing.
Collect your first quartz fragment.
Collect 1000 quartz fragments.
Collect 5000 quartz fragments.
Achieve a score of at least 9001 in endless mode.
Achieve a score of at least 100k in endless mode.
Achieve a score of at least 250k in endless mode.
Achieve a score of at least 1M in endless mode.
Enter the sacred code in the main menu.
Unlock all achievements.
Medals Earned: 28/30 (400/500 points)
Give Albert the Bad News
Scrap a Big Robot
Defeat the Armored King Toad
Defeat the Mercenary General
Rid a tree house of slimes
Defeat a harpy with her own weapon
Obtain the wooden bat
Quickly drop a patrolling bandit unawares
Eat 5 food items that are considered unsafe
Collect 5 Moon Stones
Steal from the mayor's treasury
Defeat a fully grown Sand Dragon
Sleep wherever it is possible to sleep
Consumed over 30 healing items
Increase Max HP to 40
Upgrade inventory to its max size
Collect 20 Moon Stones
Carry all the best equipment
Break over 100 boxes or crates
Beat the Game
Collect over 1000 coins since the start of your journey
Increase Max Health to 99
Collect 40 Moon Stones
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Finish the game with zero deaths
Finish the game in 64 minutes or less
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/120 points)
baby medal
damn daniel
Medals Earned: 3/5 (110/220 points)
Play the game for the first time!
Destroy a trash can/cone
Win the game
Get at least 100 dollars
Get at least 25 Pizzas!!
Medals Earned: 11/18 (55/90 points)
Go to arts NG page!
Go to Authors NG page!
I kept mine, here is a little something for keeping yours!
Go to songs NG page!
If you love this Radio, you will get this medal.
Listen to FightingSeraph's favorite NG musicians
Lister to the spooktober update!
100 down
It rhymes with bomb!
Would anyone like some pound cake?
Listen to Emrox's favorite NG music
LazyMuffin plays the hits!
Click the Newgrounds link. CLICK IT!!!!!
Gaze into my chocolate eyes...
Let them shuffle tracks!
Medals Earned: 4/7 (95/110 points)
Medals Earned: 6/6 (300/300 points)
Start the game
Find the hammer
Hit some poop with the hammer
Hit a dead person with the hammer
Exterminate four ants
Kill Peter The Ant (That's the end of the game)