Total Medals Earned: 2,428 (From 452 different games.) Total Medal Score: 35,865 Points
Medals Earned: 3/37 (15/185 points)
Get 10 kills
Kill an enemy with an explosive barrel
Complete the tutorial
Get 100 kills
Get 1,000 kills
Get 10 melee kills
Get 100 melee kills
Get 250 melee kills
Get 5 First Bloods
Get 50 First Bloods
Get 100 First Bloods
Capture 10 flags
Capture 50 flags
Capture 100 flags
Plant 10 bombs
Plant 50 bombs
Plant 100 bombs
Defuse 10 bombs
Defuse 50 bombs
Defuse 100 bombs
Get 10 Revenges
Get 50 Revenges
Get 100 Revenges
Get 50 Avengers
Get 100 Avengers
Reach Prestige 1
Survive wave 5 in Dinosaur Survival
Survive wave 5 in Militia Survival
Survive wave 5 in Chaos Survival
Heal an ally
Destroy a helicopter with a melee weapon
Kill a Juggernaut with a melee weapon
Kill an enemy who is driving a vehicle
Kill an enemy as a vehicle passenger
Kill an enemy by running them over
Kill an enemy with a Stun Grenade or Flashbang
Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/250 points)
Evolve the vertical movement mutation
Get to rank 3 in the Destroyer challenge
Get to rank 3 of the Graze challenge
Get to rank 3 in the Mutant challenge
Complete the game
Complete all the challenges
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 7/12 (160/210 points)
Complete Your First Shift
Treat Your First Patient
Fail To Treat a Patient
Get Shoved By a Business Man
Catch a Virus
Take Damage
Eat a Schnitzel
Complete Your Second Shift
Complete Your Third Shift
Perform a Heart Transplant
Run Out Of Lives
Use The Toilet
Medals Earned: 2/2 (15/15 points)
Medals Earned: 2/6 (10/155 points)
Get your first faceful of pavement
Land a Combo of 5 or more
Land a Combo of 15 or more
Land a Combo of 25 or more
Land a Combo of 40 or more
Go 1000 meters without landing a single trick
Medals Earned: 3/4 (110/210 points)
It feels as though you truly helped that person?
It feels like you made it worse for that person.
Encounter a random special character.
It feels as if you've helped a great deal of people today.
Medals Earned: 4/19 (25/340 points)
Learn to move.
Learn to bounce.
Learn how to use the map.
Collect a tape.
Learn to glide.
Learn to hookshot
Learn to grind.
Learn how to "Ness"
Ascend the mountain and learn how to remember.
Ring 1 chime.
Ring 2 chimes.
Ring 3 chimes
Ring 4 chimes
Ring 5 chimes
Ring 6 chimes.
Ring 7 chimes.
Ring 8 chimes.
Ring all 9 chimes.
Fully max out a stat.
Medals Earned: 1/15 (10/450 points)
Earn a bronze medal on all A tracks
Customize your car's appearance in the garage
Complete a race against your ghost (enable in pause menu)
Earn a silver medal on all A tracks
Earn a gold medal on all A tracks
Earn a bronze medal on all B tracks
Earn a silver medal on all B tracks
Earn a gold medal on all B tracks
Earn a bronze medal on all C tracks
Earn a silver medal on all C tracks
Earn a gold medal on all C tracks
Earn a bronze medal on all D tracks
Earn a silver medal on all D tracks
Earn a gold medal on all D tracks
Earn all medals
Medals Earned: 1/14 (5/405 points)
Spell 1 word in a single game
Spell 5 words in a single game
Spell 10 words in a single game
Spell 15 words in a single game
Spell 20 words in a single game
Spell 25 words in a single game
Complete a daily game
Complete 5 daily games
Complete 10 daily games
Complete 20 daily games
Reach a depth of 1,000 ft.
Reach a depth of 2,000 ft.
Reach a depth of 3,000 ft.
Reach a depth of 4,000 ft.
Medals Earned: 2/9 (35/255 points)
Make it to the city
Pass between two cars without crashing
Get off to a quick start
Make it to the end of the road
Finish without hitting anything
Finish in under 6 minutes
Finish in free ride mode
Get off the ground
Pass a checkpoint with 13 seconds left